The past two years have been a rollercoaster ride for businesses across the world. During these years it has been tested and impacted global brands and changed their perspective of Marketing in general. According to research, market leaders believe that automation has become an important skill set in 2022 and something to bear in mind when reskilling employees and hiring resources in the future. Going into 2022, the digital marketing automation software market is expected to continue growing at more than 8%. In terms of technical skills, mobile and marketing automation are becoming some of the most predominant skill sets of the future.

Digital Marketing automation is the process of leveraging the software to automate and streamline repetitive marketing tasks and support digital marketing campaigns most effectively. This generally includes - audience segmentation, relationship management, customer behavioural analysis, website monitoring and lead scoring.

Digital marketing automation often works by integrating customer relationship management (CRM) software and customer data platform (CDP) software. It not only saves a huge amount of time but marketers can also easily use the automation tools to customise the content/messages they send to leads, schedule messages, and automate the common responses. For a business with a huge customer database, using these tools business can grow manifold by increasing the productivity of marketing and sales teams.

Following are the three major ways through which automation can seamlessly get integrated into a business's marketing strategy and help the company to grow and make profits -

Redirecting Focus to Strategy Building Of The Company: One of the major goals of automation is to increase the efficacy of the employees/ company resources. Digital marketing automation simply frees up the time that can be better spent on the projects that require unique expertise of the team members such as - planning, strategy and client interaction. Automated processes take care of the customer communication, content & social media management, relocating budgets, market research, and analytics including any task that doesn’t require active resource participation, thus, redirecting the focus to business strategy building. With automation, there’s no need for complicated hand-off procedures as everything gets saved in the central data storage systems of the companies.

Support Customer Relationship and Interactions: Having an effective communication system in place is crucial to nurturing leads. Email automation is one of the easiest and most effective techniques. It provides a clear assurance that the critical communication has been sent promptly and timely. Other formats like chatbots and automatic phone reminders are also available for immediate customer support which customers require throughout their purchase journey.

Integrated Data and Analytics Support: With Marketing automation software, businesses can identify customers’ insightful actions which is an added advantage of a company’s marketing strategy. These insights help businesses to deeply understand the customers’ needs and hence deliver the right content at the right time.

Additionally, the reporting with the help of auto analytics allows the businesses to assess the effectiveness of the past and current marketing campaigns and provide ideas on future strategies to implement.

Here are the 4 advanced strategies to optimise automation for any business:

  1. Knowing and being sure of the key message to be communicated
  2. Personalising the content according to customer preferences
  3. Making optimal use of the A/B testing process
  4. Focusing on smooth customer experience is the key

There’s a lot to gain from digital marketing automation processes. With strategic planning, clear goals, specialised training, and focused & optimised content, it’s time that businesses must implement automation processes and aim to have multifarious growth in the coming future!